visayas liveaboard in philippines

Immergiti nella crociera di Visayas nelle Filippine

Immerse yourself in the unrivaled beauty of the Visayas liveaboard diving, a pristine archipelago located in the central part of the Philippines. This region is a haven for divers, offering a unique liveaboard diving experience that beckons with its clear, turquoise waters, abundant marine life, and majestic underwater landscapes.

Your adventure on a liveaboard will unveil the wonders beneath the waves, revealing a world of vibrant coral gardens, mysterious wrecks, and schools of whimsical fish dancing in the gentle currents. The Visayas region has a rich history, with each island telling tales of the ancient civilizations that once thrived here. The blend of cultural heritage and natural beauty creates a unique backdrop to your underwater exploration.

Informazioni su Visayas Liveaboard

From the elusive thresher sharks of Malapascua to the mesmerizing sardine runs of Moalboal, the Visayas promises an unforgettable diving adventure amidst the heart of the Philippines’ marine biodiversity.

The Visayas region in the Philippines is a diver's paradise, offering a range of unique diving experiences across its various sites. Best experienced with a Visayas liveaboard, here's a closer look at some of the prime diving destinations in this region:

Malapascua: Known for its thresher shark encounters, Malapascua Island is a jewel in the Visayas diving crown. Apart from thresher sharks, divers also frequently spot manta rays, hammerhead sharks, and a rich variety of smaller marine creatures. The dive sites here cater to all levels of divers, with Monad Shoal being the most famous for shark sightings.

Isola di Pescador (Moalboal): A marine park located near Moalboal, Pescador Island is celebrated for its vibrant coral walls and abundant marine life. The Cathedral, a cavern dive site, is one of the highlights here. The island is also home to schools of sardines, frogfish, and occasionally, whitetip sharks.

Isola di Sumilon: Known for its crystal clear waters, Sumilon Island offers stunning coral landscapes and a variety of marine life including reef sharks, rays, and a multitude of fish species. The island also has a marine sanctuary which has greatly helped in preserving the local marine ecosystem.

Moalboal: Oltre all'isola di Pescador, Moalboal stesso è un centro di immersioni in Filippine known for its sardine runs. The sight of millions of sardines swirling together in unison is a spectacle not to be missed. There are also numerous dive sites here suitable for all levels of divers, featuring beautiful coral gardens and diverse marine life.

Isola Apo (Negros): Leading the diving scene in Negros, Apo Island is a protected marine sanctuary. It's a haven for divers, boasting healthy coral reefs teeming with colorful marine life. Popular dive sites include Coconut Point and Chapel Point, each offering unique underwater landscapes and a variety of marine species.

Bohol: The waters around Bohol are a playground for divers. Sites like Alona Beach and Panglao Island offer a mixture of wall, drift, and macro diving. The area is rich in coral gardens, small caves, and overhangs, housing a diverse range of marine life from nudibranchs to reef sharks.

Isola Balicasag: A small island off the coast of Bohol, Balicasag is famed for its wall dives. The island’s steep walls are adorned with beautiful corals and are home to a variety of marine species including turtles, barracudas, and jacks. Diver's Heaven and Black Forest are among the popular dive sites here.

Quando andare a Visayas?

The best time to visit the Visayas region in the Philippines for diving would be outside the typhoon season and the rainiest months, which occur from late November through February.

Durante questo periodo, soprattutto da dicembre a febbraio, le Visayas orientali tra cui Cebu, Bohol e Leyte sperimentano un clima umido a causa della stagione di Amihan (monsone di nord-est) che porta forti piogge, in particolare che colpiscono i siti di immersione nel sud di Leyte. I tifoni sono comuni anche da novembre a gennaio, colpendo in particolare Leyte e la parte settentrionale di Cebu.

The waters can get rough during either the northeast or southwest monsoon (Habagat) as winds stir up the waves, potentially affecting the diving conditions. However, it's mentioned that dive trips are still recommended year-round as dive operators are knowledgeable about the seasonal variations and can guide divers to sheltered areas offering great diving experiences despite the prevailing weather conditions.

Per un'esperienza di immersione più prevedibile e piacevole, pianificare la tua visita tra marzo e inizio novembre potrebbe essere l'ideale. In particolare, alcune liveaboard spostano le loro operazioni su Tubbataha da marzo a giugno, approfittando della stagione di immersione più breve, il che indica anche che questo periodo è favorevole per le immersioni nella regione di Visayas.

Consigli per i turisti

Gli itinerari delle crociere subacquee possono cambiare in base alle condizioni meteorologiche e ad altre circostanze impreviste. Rimani flessibile e aperto alle modifiche per garantire un viaggio piacevole.

Tieni a portata di mano alcuni pesos filippini (PHP) per spese accessorie, mance o piccoli acquisti presso le fermate locali. Mentre le città più grandi hanno sportelli bancomat, potrebbero essere scarsi o non disponibili in aree remote.

Acquista un'assicurazione di viaggio e subacquea prima del viaggio. Visayas Filippine è una località remota e alcuni siti di immersione possono essere abbastanza lontani dalle strutture sanitarie più vicine.

La maggior parte delle crociere subacquee a Visayas richiede un'esperienza minima come Open Water. Controlla l'esperienza subacquea minima poiché alcuni siti di immersione richiedono una certificazione avanzata o un numero specifico di immersioni registrate per poterne godere.

Come arrivare e porti di partenza?

Cebu City and Malapascua are two common liveaboard departure locations for Visayas liveaboards. Cebu City is a booming metropolis and the regional capital of the Visayas, with a port that sends ferries, cargo ships, and liveaboards out in every direction. Getting to Cebu City is easy with a 1.5-hour flight from Manila or direct flights from select Southeast Asian countries nearby. International flights can get to Cebu City via a transfer in Asia. Conversely, Malapascua has no airport, but it can be reached by taxi, van, or bus (and small boat). From Cebu City, getting to Malapascua requires a five-hour bus journey; taxis take about half that time.

In addition to Cebu City and Malapascua, the Visayas region offers other departure points like Moalboal (in Cebu) and Dumaguete (in Negros) for some Philippines liveaboards due to the variety of destinations and itineraries. Moalboal can be reached by bus from Cebu City or by bus and a short ferry from Dumaguete. On the other hand, Dumaguete has its own airport with daily flights from Manila, making it a convenient point of entry. International travelers can also reach Dumaguete through connecting flights, typically with a layover in Manila or Cebu City. Upon arrival in Dumaguete, travelers can easily find transportation to the port where liveaboards are anchored, ready to embark on the underwater adventure.

Consigli di viaggio essenziali per le avventure in crociera

  1. Costi del parco marino: tieni presente che i costi del parco marino sono a persona e al giorno. Alcuni pacchetti liveaboard includono queste tariffe, mentre altri richiedono il pagamento a bordo. Le opzioni di pagamento includono Visa, Mastercard, contanti o assegni turistici.
  2. Validità del passaporto: assicurati che il tuo passaporto sia valido per almeno 6 mesi dopo la data di ingresso prevista. La maggior parte dei paesi lo richiede, insieme a un biglietto di ritorno. Verifica in anticipo i requisiti per il visto.
  3. Preparativi per la salute: consulta il tuo medico 8 settimane prima del viaggio per le vaccinazioni o le misure preventive raccomandate per la tua destinazione.

Nota: si prega di consultare i termini e le condizioni specifiche della crociera prescelta per eventuali costi aggiuntivi del parco marino o requisiti di viaggio.

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